8810 Rehco Rd, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 | 858-909-0802

Get Help with Electronic Recycling - San Diego is Turning to SES!

If you live or work in the San Diego area, chances are that you either have now, or will have soon, some excess electronics that are worthless to you. In fact, studies estimate that nearly 500 million computers become obsolete every single year. The first impulse might be to throw those old electronics away. However, if you do throw them away, you put yourself and the environment at real risk. Wondering why? Take a look.

Data Theft

One of the biggest problems of simply dumping your computer is that you have sensitive information stored on it. Just clicking that delete key on those files you see isn't enough. Even wiping your hard drive isn't enough. Instead, you have to do everything possible to make certain no one can access even the hidden temporary files your computer may create without your knowledge. Those files could include downloaded bank statements, credit card statements, tax documents, and even names and addresses.

The Risk to the Environment

Every time you dump an electronic device in the trash can, you can bet it's headed for the landfill, and that means you're placing the land around the landfill and even your drinking water at risk. The lead from improperly disposed of electronics is leaking out into the environment. California, with so many endangered species, needs to keep what it has left of its natural habitats as safe as possible. Simply throwing away electronics will not help this situation at all.

Electronic Recycling - San Diego Has the Right Answer

Proper electronic recycling in San Diego is possible. With the help of SES Recycling, you can keep your data secure and the environment safe at the same time. Whether you're and individual looking for some help or a business with hundreds of machines to destroy, SES Recycling has the tools you need safely dispose of your computer or any other electronic device.

Is It Expensive?

Chances are very high that you will be able to afford electronics recycling in San Diego. There are plans that are made to fit every budget. All you need to do is contact SES Recycling today to get started.

Is There Anything Else I Should Know?

The only other piece of information you need is that there's never been a better time to get started! You have plenty of devices sitting around that need to be recycled properly. What are you waiting for? Contact SES Recycling today and dump those old devices.