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How Can IT Asset Disposition Help Your Business?

It is easy to see how the way in which a business deals with its technology can greatly impact the environment. If a nonprofit organization suddenly gets a donation of computers or a school system gets an influx of new equipment for the library, where do all the old machines go? The problem is more complex than just throwing them away and certainly more nuanced than basic recycling practices.

The Importance of Proper Recycling

The truth is, businesses and other organizations have a vested interest in properly recycling their technology for more than just environmental reasons. Data security is a critical issue as well. Information on school computers may compromise student data. Businesses certainly don’t want important financial matters or client lists and information to leak out. Not properly recycling the technology is an invitation to disaster.

IT Asset Disposition Process

IT asset disposition is built around the concept of disposing obsolete or simply unwanted equipment in a safe, environmentally sound fashion, without exposing your data. Businesses, schools and nonprofits have a heavy technology replacement cycle. You simply can’t afford not to replace your tech. So it is important to consider how that tech is disposed of.

The Hidden Problems

Environmental problems related to technology aren’t necessarily common knowledge. E-waste only represents about 2% of all landfill waste, but it is highly toxic, much of it coming from improperly trashed LCD screens or cathode tubes. Even that office coffee maker could be a potential problem.

How Recycling Can Help

A proper recycling service can make sure your data storage devices are securely wiped. Simply going through the process of wiping your data at the office doesn’t guarantee the data is off the hard drive or otherwise non-recoverable. Working with a service that specializes in this process ensures you won’t discover any nasty surprises later. This is especially important, even if the business wants to donate the item to a charity. Data control is still critical.

Recycling Electronic Technology

Properly recycling your technology means you won’t face potentially serious fines. There are heavy environmental fees for businesses that dump technology improperly, primarily because of the sheer volume of tech trash that a business can generate. Items that are ecologically sensitive need to be dealt with accordingly.

Recycling Center in San Diego

There are lots of great reasons that businesses should contract with a reputable recycling center for removal of obsolete or unwanted technology. Not only is it better for the environment, but it could be vitally important to your business or school to handle these items in the proper way.