8810 Rehco Rd, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 | 858-909-0802

Understanding the Purpose of an Electronics Recycling Center

An electronics recycling center offers valuable services when you are looking for a responsible way to dispose of computers, hard drives, cell phones, and many other e-devices that seem to be produced in such variety and quantity these days. It’s a business with a purpose and goal that everyone can appreciate and use.

Why Should You Recycle?

First and foremost, landfills take up valuable space and the number of landfills seems to grow exponentially with all the new and disposable gadgets, devices, and products that get created and manufactured in the United States on a daily basis. Thought needs to be given to future generations and how best we can help our world and the environment by not being so casual about all the items we discard. Secondly, and just as important, is the realization that electronics are composed of materials that can be hazardous to our health when discarded in such a manner that it is possible for them to leak and contaminate our soil and water supply. Components include lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, and other toxic metals. If not disposed of correctly, these materials can lead to health issues, including lung damage and cancer, among others.

What Products Qualify as Recyclable Electronics?

The products allowed for recycling purposes are somewhat governed by laws. The need for such regulations have come about, like many laws, due to the need for an establishment of proper use in the wake of others’ misuse over time. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) states that recyclables can include computers, monitors, DVD players, computer peripherals, cell phones, copy machines, stereo and audio equipment, VCRs, game consoles, wireless devices, kitchen appliances, and some other household electronics.

Landfill and Electronics

As stated above, one of the best reasons to recycle eligible e-devices is due to the components contained within them. When such devices are left in a landfill, leakage from the devices can occur, causing the potential for much harm to the environment. From the leaking of such toxins, water can be poisoned, thereby also causing hazards to wildlife and plant life. Many of these components include metals that are regulated by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laws because of their harmful effects, including lead, barium, mercury, cadmium, and silver.

Why Does it Cost to Recycle Electronics?

Due to the hazardous materials in most electronics, these products need to be disposed of properly. It costs reputable recycling companies fees to do that; therefore, they must pass these costs on to in order to be able to do so.

An electronics recycling center is equipped with the knowledge and ability to: 1) destroy any personal or sensitive data with proper methods and technology to ensure safety and security; and 2) handle recyclable electronics with the care and precision needed to give you peace of mind about the role you play in the environment.