8810 Rehco Rd, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 | 858-909-0802

Light Bulb Recycling

You may not realize it, but every time your maintenance team replaces a light bulb in your office, you’re holding hazardous waste. Under California’s Universal Hazardous Waste Rules, you could be facing serious fines if you place that light bulb in the dumpster or handle it in an unsafe manner. What should you do instead? Call us!

Why Electronic Recycling Matters

Fluorescent bulbs, neon signs, and fluorescent tubes all contain mercury. Even a small amount of mercury can be hazardous when it’s not properly disposed of, and that’s why those hazardous waste rules exist. The more companies like yours that participate in electronic recycling and do their part to keep mercury out of our landfills, the less dangerous they become to the world around us.

Can’t I Just Handle It Myself?

You don’t have to go with a certified electronic recycler like us to handle your lightbulbs, but it certainly makes things easier. Bulb recycling begins with yearly training sessions. Any person on your maintenance team who package mercury-containing tubes or bulbs must be trained on the dangers of mercury, how the bulbs have to be stored and labeled, and what to do if they break while you’re handling them. You’re going to have to document that training, as state and local inspectors can request it at any time.

Once you have a trained team to handle it, you’ll need to ensure every bulb or tube is placed in a sturdy, non-leaking container that can close as soon as it’s removed from the fixture. They must be stored in an area of your business that’s set aside from the rest of it, and you can’t store them for more than a year. Place a universal waste label on it, then it has to be carefully transported to a licensed recycling center or disposal destination.

Sounds Complicated, Right?  We Got You

If it the idea of dealing with a single light bulb change in your business sounds more complex than you ever imagined, that’s because it is. Instead of fighting the process, let us handle it for you. We’ll walk you through exactly what your team needs to do, then we’ll handle the rest. To learn more about our simple light bulb recycling program, contact us today.