8810 Rehco Rd, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 | 858-909-0802

IT Relocation

Companies of all sizes struggle with growth. Whether your company is moving forward at a faster than ever pace or you're consolidating your operations so you can change directions, the reality is that growth means it's time to think about your new space, and that demands more than simply packing your desk and having a moving company get the furniture to a new location. Instead, it demands the perfect blend of moving services and technical knowledge to help ensure you get to your new space without any IT hitches. SES Recycling can help.

IT Relocation Services 

From the moment you contact us, we'll work with you to plan your new space so it's ready to go with on your timeline. We want everything to be perfect the moment you move in. From servers to each individual's tech, we manage the complexities involved in a move like yours. You want your new space to be functional from day 1, and we can help to make that happen with our IT relocation services.

Data Destruction & Recycling 

Relocating may mean leaving behind equipment that no longer meets your needs, and SES offers complete data destruction and recycling. From TVs and monitors that no longer meet your needs to the variety of data center gear that simply can't meet your needs any longer, we'll pick up your equipment and destroy all of your data. We also offer certified hard drive destruction services, which means safe, compliant removal of secure data. We'll even help you evaluate your outdated equipment to decide whether our other IT asset disposition services might better meet the needs of your organization.

For many companies, the lease left behind may also demand cable removal, and we handle end of life cable extraction on a regular basis. We'll remove the cabling you had installed for your network without damaging previously installed infrastructure so you can move forward.

Ready to move? Give us a call today, and we'll help you get ready for the next chapter in the life of your company.